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News from the Zvolen casino promises even more fun at the poker tables

The poker room of the Rebuy Stars casino in Zvolen has welcomed several novelties that will bring even more excitement and even more chances to win to the players of the best card game. Let's look at them in more detail.

News from the Zvolen casino promises even more fun at the poker tables

The poker room of the Rebuy Stars casino in Zvolen has welcomed several novelties that will bring even more excitement and even more chances to win to the players of the best card game. Let's look at them in more detail.

Lucky Pair

The first poker novelty of the Zvolen casino is a tournament called Lucky Pair. As its very name suggests, luck in this type of tournament will be brought to you by selected poker pairs. In addition to the winning pot, they also bring extra credit to the game. If you succeed in making a TRIPS combination with them, you will automatically receive 20 lucky chips, if you make a FULL HOUSE, you will receive 40 lucky chips, and with POKRI, your stack will automatically increase by up to 80 lucky chips. In addition, you don't even have to win the pot to get extra credit for the game, you just need to get into a showdown with the selected pair you're holding. Getting the bonus is not limited in any way for the player, this means that you can get extra credit for the game by repeating it several times during the evening. Bonus poker pairs are always announced by the floor manager before the start of the tournament.




Ticket Hunter

The new Ticket Hunter tournament will increase selected pots of poker tournaments with attractive tickets. Each active tournament table will have a chance, every hour from the start of the tournament until 10:00 p.m., to get a ticket to the next Friday tournament. This means that during the Ticket Hunter tournaments, the Rebuy Stars casino in Zvolen will give out at least one extra ticket every hour, outside of the promised guarantee. All you have to do is be an active participant in the tournament and maybe luck will smile on you, paying you to enter the next tournament.




Loyalty cards Jackpot tournaments

Being loyal to Rebuy Stars Zvolen casino pays off! And that these are not just empty phrases, the new loyalty cards of the Monday JACKPOT tournaments confirm. If you participate in 5 Monday Jackpot tournaments, the casino will reward you with a free buy-in for the next Jackpot tournament.