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5 reasons to visit the Rebuy Stars casino Angel's Night in Košice

Already this Saturday 18.5. the Rebuy Stars casino Košice will be transformed into a place full of heavenly winnings, and you definitely have to be there! What have we prepared for you this time?

5 reasons to visit the Rebuy Stars casino Angel's Night in Košice

Already this Saturday 18.5. the Rebuy Stars casino Košice will be transformed into a place full of heavenly winnings, and you definitely have to be there! What have we prepared for you this time?

Raffle for €5,000

Literally everyone will have a chance to win during the Saturday evening, thanks to the angel raffle, which hides €5,000 worth of prizes. The draw will be made several times during the evening and Košice will recognize at least 30 winners!


Extra loyalty bonus

The Angel's Night is a continuation of the Devil's Night, which the Košice casino organized in April. Here, all active players received exclusive playing cards, which, if filled out, earned €100 credit for the game. For their loyalty, the casino will increase this bonus by another €100 on Saturday, May 18!


Double the joy

The announcement of the active bonus 20 + 20 will be great news that will be appreciated by all the participants of the Angel's Night. It will guarantee everyone a double credit of up to €20. The bonus can be used once per evening from 20:00 to 22:00.


Sexy angels

The themed casino evening cannot do without themed costumes this time either. In April, hot devils accompanied you in the game, this time you will be brought happiness by heavenly beautiful angels.


Divine refreshment

Delicious drinks and light snacks cannot be missing at any good casino party, and this time will be no different. Fun and good food just always go together.
